Trainer Profile
Sajad Ahmed Junejo
Who is Sajad Junejo..?
1. A Certified Master Trainer of Micro Expression & Body Language (Trained & Certified by Center for Body Language, Belgium/Spain)
2. A Certified Life Couch (Certified by First Institute of Dynamic Learning, Pakistan)
3. A Certified Trainer of “Hypnosis” (Certified by First Institute of Dynamic Learning, Pakistan)
4. A Certified Hypnotherapist (Certified by N.F-NLP, USA & The Institute of Mind Sciences,(TiMS) (TiMS) Pakistan)
5. A Licensed Master Practitioner of NLP (Certified by Society of NLP, USA)
6.A Reiki Master (Master Usui system of Reiki Attuned by Dr. Moiz Hussain Sb)
7. A Practitioner of E.F.T (Emotional Freedom Techniques),Certified by The Institute of Mind Sciences (TiMS)Pakistan
8. A Certified Practitioner of Silva Method (Intuition System & Life System, Certified by Silva Method Head Quarter @ Laredo, Texas, USA & The Institute of Mind Sciences (TiMS) Pakistan
9. Silva ultramind, Certified by First Institute of Dynamic Learning, Karachi Pakistan
10. Done FIRE WALIKING & WALK on BROKEN pieces of GLASS with naked feet
11. A Former Police Officer
12. A Sufi (Spiritualist)